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Health Council Minutes 12/13/01
Regular Meeting of December 13, 2001

I certify, that to the best of my ability to record and recall, these are the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Dukes County Health Council held on
December 13, 2001.

Meeting began at 8:00 a.m. with a holiday breakfast provided by John Snow, Inc., Consultants.
Members Present:                                                                                                                                                          *Ex Officio
Cynthia Mitchell, Chairman              Jane Cleare     
Murray Frank                            Tad Crawford                    
Michele Lazerow                 Kathleen Rose
Arthur Wortzel                          Ned Robinson-Lynch                      
Kathy Logue                                     Kevin Burchill                  
Else Membreno                   Lorna Andrade           
        Cathy Brennan                   Sarah Isenberg
        Fred Rundlet                            Patty Begley
        Sandra Lothrop*                 Sarah Kuh *     
        Robert Sawyer
Also Present:  Marsha Smolev, Pat Fairchild, Nancy Kasen, Charles Silberstein, Melinda Loberg, Jane Dreeben, Kathleen Fitzgibbon, Carol Seale, Joyce Steward, Ilene Klein, Bud Macy, Joel Lamstein, Marni Lipke, Dan Seklecki, Courtney McKinley-Griffin, Art Bingham

          Matt Poole                    Marguerite Bergstrom*   
 Elizabeth Norcross    Karen Kukolich          
         Dennis Hoak                   Peter Strock                    
 Maureen Kelly         Jacque Cage                                             
         Carol Borer*                  Chris Knowles                   
 Katharine Colon               Sharon Clauss-Zanger
Chairman Mitchell announced that the next meeting would be on January 24th, 2002.

Tad Crawford presented the Treasurer’s report and stated there was no variance with the County records.  Then he presented a report of the Nominating Committee (Jacque Cage, Tad Crawford, Arthur Wortzel and Sarah Isenberg.)  He mentioned that staggered terms would be implemented as required by the Bylaws.  Helen Green’s letter of interest arrived after the deadline.  Tad Crawford said Sandra Lothrop and Jo Ann Murphy were not being recommended for voting positions since there is already a voting County member.  Also, Richard Olson (elected Chair of VNA) is an elected official, not a consumer, so he was not being recommended at this time. Discussion followed about preserving the structure and size of the Council.  Sandra Lothrop voiced concern about not being included.  It was explained that she would be able to continue as an ex officio member, since she is an Associate Commissioner.  Kathy Logue said there are many people who don’t vote but who have a lot to contribute.  These people should be included.  Arthur Wortzel voiced concern about trying to operate with more than 32 members, but added that the group usually moves by consensus, so voting power is not usually an issue.  

Murray Frank Moved to accept the report of the Nominating Committee and forward the slate to the County Commissioners for appointment as they are laid out.  Michele Lazerow Seconded the Motion.  It was added that the intent was for ex-officio members to remain such. The vote to pass was Unanimous.

Cynthia Mitchell said there was a vacancy, and wondered if Helen Green could be included.  Bob Sawyer said he thought that wouldn’t be a problem. Cynthia Mitchell mentioned Richard Olson again, and Tad Crawford suggested he participate even if he can’t vote.  Fred Rundlet asked if there was a group not represented in the Consumer group. Helen Green is from the business community, so it was suggested that she was a great candidate. Ilene Klein suggested adding a teenager.  After discussion, Dan Seklecki was asked to find out about a high school group that is doing Island Community Service.

Tad Crawford distributed Bylaws with suggested amendments that include changing the word Advisory Council to Health Council, including staggered terms, and making sure the Bylaws reflect the ‘way we function, not change the way we function.’  He voiced concern about article 6, drawing members.  Ilene Klein suggested adding pediatricians to the list of practitioners.  Nurse practitioner was also suggested.  

Cynthia Mitchell reported on the Coordinating Committee, and suggested that January’s meeting run an extra hour.  The Board will need to choose an Insurance Partner, as Blue Cross and Neighborhood Health Plan both seem very interested.  The Board was asked to consider who might be good representatives to the four panels: physicians, insurance agents and brokers, employers, and mental health providers.  Pat Fairchild said it was important to add the voice of the low-income uninsured and underinsured, the target population.  This group will be called Insurance Consumers.  There will be 6-8 people on each panel, their purpose being to inform and plan development, and to champion the plan in the community.

Cynthia Mitchell discussed the Action Plan that was distributed at an earlier meeting.  The two main goals are to choose an Insurance Partner, and work on the organizational structure of the Health Council and Island Plan.  A 501C3 is required.  Legal advice is presently being sought.  There will be questions of accountability to the County and Health Council.  How will it work?  Will the Health Council be the Board of the 501C3?  Cynthia Mitchell urged caution moving forward and added that the Council has a partnership with the County of Dukes County.  They wouldn’t want to threaten that, yet they want the Health Plan to be autonomous to make decisions.  The Chairman said nothing will be decided without the vote of the Health Council and the approval of the County Commissioners, the appointing authority.

Cynthia Mitchell reported that she went on a scholarship to Rural Health conference (collaborative strategies for rural health) in Washington, DC that was offered by Robert Wood Johnson.  She said there has been a shift in rural health policy from the Federal Government to community based programs.  

Murray Frank said the Healthwise books will arrive soon.

It was reported that the County Commissioners appointed the Chronic Illness Board.  

Sarah Kuh reported that the Healthy Start Program may be cut.  She urged people to write in support of continuing it.  

The meeting adjourned at 10:02 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Smolev
Executive Assistant